Sunday, October 12, 2014

Cashew Apple / Kaju Apple


Cashew – 1 cup

Sugar – ½ cup

Water – ¼ cup

Yellow food color

Orange food color

Cloves – 6 nos.


First grind the cashew in a mixer to a fine powder by pulsing it at regular intervals or grinding it 
continuously in one stretch so that it doesn’t leave oil.

Now on a stove top take a pan,add sugar and water bring it to a one string consistency .

At this stage add the yellow color,cashew powder and keep stirring it until it reaches a thick dough consistency.Turn off the heat.

Transfer it to a plate and allow it to cool.Once its warm make small round balls.

Now with a water color brush mix in the orange color and start making small stripes from the center of the ball.Now press the clove at the center.

Yummy cashew apple is ready to be served.

Don’t store it in refrigerator.Store in room temperature.

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