Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cauliflower Pakoras


Cauliflower – ½

Ginger chili paste – 1 tsp.

Red food color – ½ tsp.

Salt – ½ tsp.

Besan – ¼ cup.

Corn starch – ¼ cup

Water – ¼ cup

Oil for frying


Chop the cauliflower into small florets.

In a large bowl add the ginger chili paste, red food color, salt and cauliflower florets, mix well.

Now add the besan,corn starch and mix well by sprinkling water on it.

Bring to a consistency that the floret doesn’t stick together, little dry texture.

In a pan heat the oil in highflame,start frying the pakoras until golden brown.

Serve them hot.

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