Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Omapodi / Bhujia


Besan – 1 and ½ cup

Rice flour – 3 tsp.

Ghee – 4 tsp.

Ajwain water – 4 tbsp.(soak ½ tsp.of ajwain seeds in water)

Red chili powder – ½ tsp.

Salt – 1 tsp.

Oil for frying


In a large vessel add besan,rice flour,salt,ajwain water,ghee and make a soft sticky dough.

With the help of water take the dough and put it on the presser.Also use the plate with small holes  for making the bhujias.

Now heat the oil in a wide pan (high flame) and start making the bhujias using the maker directly  into the oil.

Cook on bot side for about 2 mins until golden brown.

Remove from heat and serve.

Store it in a air tight container. It last fresh for about 2 weeks.

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