Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pepper Kuzhambu


Black  pepper – 1 tsp.

Red chili – 2 nos.

Urad dal – 3 tsp.

Asafoetida- 1 pinch

Curry leaves – 5 nos.

Mustard seeds – ½ tsp.
Turmeric powder – ½ tsp.

Oil- 3 tsp.

Tamarind extract – 2 cups


First roast the urad dal,pepper,red chili in 1 tsp of oil until golden brown and let it cool.
Grind the above mixture in a mixer to a fine paste.

Now in a wide pan add 2 tsp of oil add mustard seeds, turmeric powder,asfoetida and curry leaves.Once the mustard seeds crack add the tamarind extract and bring to a boil.

Now add the ground paste to this and cook for another 8 mins until it becomes half in quantity or thick.

Remove from flame and serve hot with rice.

Note: If you find the consistency to be too thin you can thicken it by adding rice flour. (1 tsp of rice flour : 2 tsp of water)

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