Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Dosai / Idli Milagaipodi


Channa dal -  1 /2 Cup

Urad dal - 1 Cup

Red chili – 5 Nos.

Asafoetida – Pinch

Sesame seeds – ½ Tsp

Oil for frying – 2 Tsp

Salt – 1 Tsp


·        In a pan heat the oil and fry Channa Dal, Urad Dal, Red Chili,Sesame seeds, Asafoetida,salt
Separately until golden brown in color.

·       Once it cools off completely grind the above ingredients in a mixer coarsely.

·        Milagaipodi is ready to be served with idlis, dosas… etc..


       Please post your comments or drop a note to KrishnasIndianCooking@gmail.com

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