Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Red eyed bean Sundal


Red eyed bean – ½ cup

Red chili – 2 nos. (according to your taste)

Grated coconut – 4 tsp.

Mustard seeds  - ½ tsp.

Curry leaves

Oil – 3 tsp.

Salt – ½ tsp.


Soak the red eyed bean for 3 hrs and pressure cook with little water for 2 whistles so that it doesn't get overcooked(mashed).

Now drain the excess water and set aside.

In a  mixer grind the red chili along gated coconut coarsely.

Now in a heated pan add 3 tsp. of oil add the coarse mixer and red eyed bean cooked along with salt, curry leaves and fry for about 3 mins in a flame less than medium.

Remove from heat and yummy sundal is ready to be served.

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